Minecraft | How To Setup A BungeeCord Server
Setup A BungeeCord Server
Introduction: What is BungeeCord?
BungeeCord is a useful software written in-house by the team at SpigotMC. It acts as a proxy between the player's client and the connected Minecraft servers. End-users of BungeeCord see no difference between it and a normal Minecraft server. Read more
You need to have at least 2 or more spigot server and 1 proxy (BungeeCord) server in order to run a BungeeCord network.
Step 1:
1. Start all your server first to load all the files needed.
2. Once all the servers is fully started you will now have to stop all your servers again.
3. Copy all your server Ip Address and put it on a note. And choose one from your spigot server on which will the server lobby going to be.
Like this:

Step 2: Adding your servers.
1. Go to your BungeeCord server files.
2. Locate and open config.yml

3. Find servers:

4. Copy your spigot server lobby IP Address.

5. Paste your spigot server lobby IP Address in the BungeeCord config.yml.
Like this:

6. Do the same with your other spigot server.

8. Save File

Step 3: Setup your spigot server.
1. Go to your spigot server panel > files.
2. Locate and open spigot.yml.
3. Find bungeecord:false and change it to true .

How To Enable IP Forwarding?
Step 1: Enabling IP Forwarding on BungeeCord Server
1. Go to your BungeeCord panel
2. Open config.yml
3. Locate ip_forward: false and change it to ip_forward: true
Step 2: Enabling IP Forwarding on Spigot server
1. Go to your spigot server panel > files.
2. Locate and open server.properties.
3. Find online-mode=true and change it to false.

Additional Information:
Make sure to restart all your servers after doing all the steps above
How to connect to the server?
To connect to BungeeCord Network server all you have to do is copy your BungeeCord server IP Address and add server. Note that you need to have the same Minecraft client version as your spigot servers.
Well done! you now have a BungeeCord Network server. If you are having trouble following these steps feel free to make a support ticket.
Updated on: 17/05/2021
Thank you!