Articles on: Minecraft / Server Setup
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Minecraft | How to Reset your World (with and without seed)

How to Reset the World of your Minecraft Server - NEW and EXISTING

Generating a New World

1. Open your server panel at
Stop your server first

2. Go to File manager at your server panel

3. Locate the folder called world
below that should be the folder world_nether and world_the_end

4. Delete the folder world
If you want to reset your Nether and End, you just have to delete them too

5. Go to Console and start the server
Your server will now generate a new world with random seed

Resetting the World with the Same Seed

1. Open your server panel at

2. Go to your Console and Start the Server and Enter "seed", Copy the seed number that you see on the console

You should not type it with /
It is a set of random numbers but that is fine

3. Go to File manager at your server panel

4. Locate the folder called world
below that should be the folder world_nether and world_the_end

5. Delete the folder world
If you want to reset your Nether and End, you just have to delete them too

6. Now, Open the server.proerties

7. Locate level-seed= and paste your seed after the equals and save it
It should look like this level-seed=512361236713

8. Go to Console and start the server
Your server will now generate a new world with the seed that you want!

All Done! You can now play on your Minecraft Server with New World

Updated on: 27/08/2021

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