Project Zomboid | How to Connect your Server to Discord
Project Zomboid | How to Connect your Server to Discord
Discord Side
Go to and create your own bot. (Click New Application)

On the left side, click Bot tab

Click Add Bot

From this point, you can customize your bot but for now, you need to Copy the Token and save it on a Notepad.

Go to OAuth2 Tab on the left side

Check the two boxes as shown below

It will generate a URL below as shown.

Copy that link and open it on another tab of your browser.
Add the bot on your server.

Create a Channel that you would want to connect with the Project Zomboid Server and press Copy Link and save it on your notepad.

Now. You should have two things on your notepad. The Token and the Link from Discord.
You will only be needing the numbers after / on the link of discord.

Server Side
Go to your File Manager > .cache > Server > world.ini
Find and DiscordEnable=false and make it DiscordEnable=true
Now, fill the two below with the two you have on your Notepad.

Click save and restart the server.
If you have any questions, feel free to open a ticket on our Discord or on Billing Ticket.
Updated on: 20/12/2022
Thank you!