Terraria | Terraria TShock Server Commands
Here's a full list of the TShock commands available
Some commands can only be use by an Admin. How to be an Admin on Terraria Server with TShock
/help - Display all available commands
/auth - Authorizes your user as SuperAdmin, must have the auth code.
/user - User functions
/login - Logs in to an account
/logout - Logs out of an account
/password - Change your account password
/register - Register a new account
/accountinfo - Reveals information regarding a specific account
/ban - Bans a player.
/broadcast (/bc, /say) - Broadcast a server-wide message
/displaylogs - Turn on/off logging
/group - Group settings
/itemban - Ban an item
/projban - Ban a projectile
/tileban - Ban a tile
/region - Region settings
/kick - Kicks a player
/mute - Mutes a player
/tempgroup - Add a temporary group to a player
/userinfo - Reveals information regarding a specific user
/annoy - "You are now being annoyed."
/confuse - Confuse a player
/rocket - Rocket a player
/firework - Launch a firework
/checkupdates - Queues an update-check
/off - Saves and turns the server off, after which you will have to restart the server from the control-panel
/off-nosave - Turns off the server without saving, read above
/reload - Reloads configuration settings
/restart - Restarts the server
/serverpassword - Sets or changes the server password
/version - Shows the current version
/give - Give an item to a player
/item - Give yourself an item
/butcher - Butcher nearby NPCs
/renamenpc - Rename an NPC
/invade - Issue an invasion
/maxspawns - Sets and shows maximum spawns
/spawnboss - Spawns a specified boss
/spawnmob - Spawns a specified monster
/spawnrate - Sets the spawn rate
/clearangler - Clears the angler quest completion list
/home - Teleports you to your spawnpoint
/spawn - Tekeports you to the server spawnpoint
/tp - Teleports a player to another player
/tphere - Teleports a player to you
/tpnpc - Teleports an NPC
/tppos - Teleports to a specific position
/tpallow - Enables teleportation protection
/expert - Enables expert mode
/antibuild - Enables anti-build
/bloodmoon - Generates a bloodmoon
/grow - Grows a plant
/dropmeteor - Drops a meteorite
/eclipse - Start an eclipse
/forcehalloween - Force halloween mode
/forcexmas - Force christmas mode
/fullmoon - Generated a fullmoon
/hardmode - Enables hard mode
/protectspawn - Enables or disables spawn protection
/sandstorm - Stops or starts a sandstorm
/rain - Toggle rain on or off
/save - Save the server state
/setspawn - Set server spawnpoint
/setdungeon - Sets dungeon's position
/settle - Settles all server liquids
/time - Displays current server time
/wind - Sets windspeed
/world - Reveals information regarding the world
/buff - Buff yourself
/clear - Clear the chat
/gbuff - Give a buff to a player
/godmode - Enables godmode for yourself
/heal - Heal yourself
/kill - Kill a player
/me - Talk in third person
/party - Party settings
/reply - Replies to a whisper
/rest - REST settings
/slap - Slap a player
/serverinfo - Displays information regarding the server
/warp - Warp settings
/whisper - Whisper a player
/aliases - Alias settings
/motd - Display current Message Of The Day
/playing - Shows a list of current players
/rules - Display specified server rules
All Done! You can now run commands based on what you want!
Some commands can only be use by an Admin. How to be an Admin on Terraria Server with TShock
/help - Display all available commands
/auth - Authorizes your user as SuperAdmin, must have the auth code.
/user - User functions
/login - Logs in to an account
/logout - Logs out of an account
/password - Change your account password
/register - Register a new account
/accountinfo - Reveals information regarding a specific account
/ban - Bans a player.
/broadcast (/bc, /say) - Broadcast a server-wide message
/displaylogs - Turn on/off logging
/group - Group settings
/itemban - Ban an item
/projban - Ban a projectile
/tileban - Ban a tile
/region - Region settings
/kick - Kicks a player
/mute - Mutes a player
/tempgroup - Add a temporary group to a player
/userinfo - Reveals information regarding a specific user
/annoy - "You are now being annoyed."
/confuse - Confuse a player
/rocket - Rocket a player
/firework - Launch a firework
/checkupdates - Queues an update-check
/off - Saves and turns the server off, after which you will have to restart the server from the control-panel
/off-nosave - Turns off the server without saving, read above
/reload - Reloads configuration settings
/restart - Restarts the server
/serverpassword - Sets or changes the server password
/version - Shows the current version
/give - Give an item to a player
/item - Give yourself an item
/butcher - Butcher nearby NPCs
/renamenpc - Rename an NPC
/invade - Issue an invasion
/maxspawns - Sets and shows maximum spawns
/spawnboss - Spawns a specified boss
/spawnmob - Spawns a specified monster
/spawnrate - Sets the spawn rate
/clearangler - Clears the angler quest completion list
/home - Teleports you to your spawnpoint
/spawn - Tekeports you to the server spawnpoint
/tp - Teleports a player to another player
/tphere - Teleports a player to you
/tpnpc - Teleports an NPC
/tppos - Teleports to a specific position
/tpallow - Enables teleportation protection
/expert - Enables expert mode
/antibuild - Enables anti-build
/bloodmoon - Generates a bloodmoon
/grow - Grows a plant
/dropmeteor - Drops a meteorite
/eclipse - Start an eclipse
/forcehalloween - Force halloween mode
/forcexmas - Force christmas mode
/fullmoon - Generated a fullmoon
/hardmode - Enables hard mode
/protectspawn - Enables or disables spawn protection
/sandstorm - Stops or starts a sandstorm
/rain - Toggle rain on or off
/save - Save the server state
/setspawn - Set server spawnpoint
/setdungeon - Sets dungeon's position
/settle - Settles all server liquids
/time - Displays current server time
/wind - Sets windspeed
/world - Reveals information regarding the world
/buff - Buff yourself
/clear - Clear the chat
/gbuff - Give a buff to a player
/godmode - Enables godmode for yourself
/heal - Heal yourself
/kill - Kill a player
/me - Talk in third person
/party - Party settings
/reply - Replies to a whisper
/rest - REST settings
/slap - Slap a player
/serverinfo - Displays information regarding the server
/warp - Warp settings
/whisper - Whisper a player
/aliases - Alias settings
/motd - Display current Message Of The Day
/playing - Shows a list of current players
/rules - Display specified server rules
All Done! You can now run commands based on what you want!
Updated on: 28/04/2021
Thank you!