Articles on: Truck Simulators / Server Setup

Truck Simulator | How to Add a Moderator to your ETS2/ATS Server

How to Add a Moderator to your Euro Truck Simulator 2/American Truck Simulator Server (ETS2 & ATS)

In this guide we will learn how you can add moderator to your ETS2/ATS server, since the working of the server is same for both the game server we're creating this one guide only! In ETS2/ATS, moderators are players granted the permission to adjust the in-game time. They can do this by issuing the command /set_time HH:MM in the chat.
But before we start, you must have the Steam ID of player to make them moderator. Click Here to read the guide on how to get the Steam ID

Access Game Panel

Access the game panel.
Stop your ETS2 or ATS server.

Navigate to Config Files

On the game panel, navigate to "File Manager"
Follow this path to locate the server configuration file: .local / share / Euro Truck Simulator 2.
Find the server_config.sii in Euro Truck Simulator 2 folder and open it.
Note: Depending on the game server you own, you will have either Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator Folder. But all the steps are same for both the server!

Add Moderators

After opening the config file, locate moderator_list: 0.
Carefully make the following changes: remove the 0 and add [0] between moderator_list and :, so it should look like this: moderator_list[0]:
Now, paste the Steam ID of the player you want to make a moderator after moderator_list[0]:
For example, if the Steam ID is 12345, it should look like this: moderator_list[0]: 12345

Save and Start

Save the changes you made to the configuration.
Start your server.

To add more moderators, follow the same steps. If you've already added your first moderator and open the config file again, you will notice a new line like moderator_list: 1. Simply remove the 1 and add [1] between moderator_list and :, as you did in the 7th step. Then paste the Steam ID and you're done! Every time you add a new moderator, you will have a new line in the format moderator_list: x, and the steps remain the same!

That's it! You've successfully added moderators to your Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator server, Enjoy Trucking!

If you encounter any issues during the process, don't hesitate to contact us via Discord or live chat for assistance.

Updated on: 15/10/2023

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