Articles on: Skynode / Billing
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Billing | Partnership with Skynode

Applying for a partnership with Skynode

Here at Skynode, we have a partnership program to work with people that are content creators or want to work with companies to provide offers for their users, for example. In return, we can provide services such as Minecraft servers or even promo codes for your users. State what you want in your application and we can discuss it with you.

What are the requirements?

The requirements vary depending on what you want us to partner with (i.e. a server or website, etc).

Firstly, something which all partners require:

Must not have any active association, partnership or staffing role at another hosting company;
Your service must not be in the hosting industry;
The deal needs to be beneficial for both parties.

Minecraft servers:

You need to have a detailed advertising plan / partners in place.
You need to have funds for the server so you aren't applying because you don't have enough money.
Having a setup / live server increase your chance of getting a partnership significantly.
If you have an active / live server with a constant player base will increase your chance of getting a partnership significantly.

YouTube, Twitch and other video/streaming services):

You need at least 1000 subs and an avarage of 300 views per video on Youtube before you can apply.
You need at least 500 followers and an avarage of 10.000 total views on your Twitch before you can apply.
You need to have a steady upload/stream schedule.
The content has to be related to Minecraft, it can be other games but mainly Minecraft.
You need a steady sub/viewers base.
You need to provide proof of ownership.

Other companies that want to partner:

We do not partner with companies in development.
You need to have a stable amount of unique people who come to your site everyday.

Meet the requirements? Want to be a partner? Here's how to apply!

Simply create a ticket on our Discord server or billing panel and answer the following (in detail!)

A brief description of your partnership;
What would you like out of the partnership;
What would you have on offer to benefit us;
How/why is the partnership beneficial for both parties;
Any other information you may feel is necessary for the application.

Kind Regards,

Tycho Loke
Community Manager

Updated on: 11/01/2021

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