Panel | Can't Create Free Server
Panel | Can't Create Free Server
There are many reasons as to why you cannot create a free server and it can be resolve by not doing/having any of the following:
Using MacOS/iOS Devices.
We are currently having a problem with apple devices as they are built differently so you might wanna switch device when you are creating but you can use Apple Devices if you're going to manage the server
You have AdBlocker
When you create a free server, an advertisement should pop up and if nothing appears on your screen, it might be because you have AdBlock installed. Try disabling it when you're managing your Free Server.
You are using VPN
Most of the VPN nowadays has a built-in AdBlock so you should not use it.
You are using FireFox
Firefox browser has a built-in AdBlock so you have to turn it off or use another browser.
You already have an existing free server
As per our Terms of Service, we only allow one user to have one free server to give everyone a chance to have a free server.
If you still cannot create a free server, submit a ticket on our Discord
Updated on: 07/02/2022
Thank you!