Minecraft | How to Disable TNT Explosions and Creeper Explosions
How to Disable TNT and Creeper Explosions in Minecraft Without WorldGuard Plugin For Creeper Explosion /gamerule mobGriefing <true|false> If set to true, explosions caused by mobs will be enabled. This is the default value. If set to false, explosions caused by mobs will be disabled. This game rule will also affect the abiPopularMinecraft | Installing a server jar file
Installing a server jar file for a Minecraft server Step 1: Download Your Desired Jar File Begin by visiting the official Minecraft website or a trusted server hosting platform to download the specific jar file for the Minecraft server version you want. |PopularMinecraft | Incomplete Set of Tags Received from Server Please Contact Server Operator
Minecraft Incomplete Set of Tags Received from Server Please Contact Server Operator Receiving this Error basically means you are trying to connect to a Modded Server and the solutions are as follows Download the Mods directly from your server files. a. Go to your Panel b. Click Files c. Find Mods Folder d. Download them all to your Mods Folder Do not download modpack from curseforge if you use the modpack installer. You should only use Modpacks from CurseForge if youPopularMinecraft | Adjust or Disable Moving too Quickly on Console
Minecraft Adjust or Disable Moving too Quickly on Console What happens? Horse moved wrongly! Horse (vehicle of somePlayer) moved too quickly! Skeleton Horse moved wrongly! username moved too quickly! Why is this happening? This warning is generated every time a player moved to a position or at a speed which the server thinks is impossible. This can happen spuriously, asPopularMinecraft | How to Op Yourself on your Minecraft Server
Learn how to Op yourself on your Minecraft Server.PopularMinecraft | How to Use a Custom Seed on your Minecraft Server
How to use a Custom Seed on your Minecraft Server Your current world will be deleted in this process, if you still like to proceed but want to keep your current world. You can download your current world by following this guide Minecraft How to Make a Backup of your World on your PC/Laptop (https://help.skynode.pro/en/article/minecraft-how-to-make-a-backuPopularMinecraft | How to Allow Cracked Player to Join your Server
How to Allow Cracked Players to Join your Server Go to your https://panel.skynode.pro/ and select your Server Choose Server Properties Tab Find ONLINE MODE and choose False Click Save at the bottom Start/Restart your server All done! Cracked Players should now be able to join your server!Some readersMinecraft | How to Upload a Mod on your Minecraft Server
How to Upload a Mod on your Minecraft Server Installing Forge will reset your world and will make your server only runs Mods and not Plugins You can also use the Modpack Installer on the panel.skynode.pro if you are a paid user. 1. InstallSome readersMinecraft | How to Change World Type
Minecraft How to Change World Type Go to https://panel.skynode.pro/ and click on your server STOP your server Open File manager in top menu. Delete your world folder. Usually named world unless you change it on server properties World Folders Now, Go to Server Properties Find or Type level-type=default and change it to what you want level-type=default (https://i.imgur.coSome readersMinecraft | How to install custom Fabric Version and Fabric API
Installing Fabric on your server Fabric is a lightweight, experimental modding toolchain for Minecraft. Installing Fabric Version Open FabricMC website: https://fabricmc.net/use/server/ Select the Minecraft Java version you prefer. Do not touch the Installer Version & Fabric Loader Version, keep it default unless you know what it is. Click on ExecutableSome readersMinecraft | All of Commands for Java Edition and Bedrock Edition
All of Commands for Java Edition and Bedrock Edition Please do go to this link to see the list of All Commands All of Minecraft Commands List BE - Bedrock Edition JE - Java Edition EE -Some readersMinecraft | Failed To Synchronize Registry Data From Server
Minecraft Failed To Synchronize Registry Data From Server Solutions Make sure the client is running on the same version of Forge as the Server The server might be running on 1.12.2 while you are on Forge 1.16.5 Check if the modpacks of the server is the same as the modpack on your client. The server might be running on a modpack version 1.2.1 while you are running on the 1.2.0 version of modpack. Removing mods oneSome readersMinecraft | How to Reset your World (with and without seed)
How to Reset the World of your Minecraft Server - NEW and EXISTING 1. Open your server panel at panel.skynode.pro Stop your server first 2. Go to File manager at your server panel 3. Locate the folder called world below that should be the folder worldnether and worldtheend 4. Delete the folder world If you want to reset your Nether and End, you just have to delete them too 5. Go toSome readersMinecraft | How to Update your Paper Version
Minecraft How to Update your Paper Version Go to https://papermc.io/downloads and download the latest paper version. It's the one at the top The highest number is the latest version Rename the downloaded file to server. server.jar (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/96Some readersMinecraft | How to Enable Anti X-Ray on Paper
Minecraft How to Enable Anti X-Ray on Paper Minecraft Java Edition has a built-in Anti-XRay feature that prevents people from using any kinds of Xray software or resource pack. Go to https://panel.skynode.pro/ and click on your Server STOP the server on Console Go to File Manager in top menu. Open Paper.yml Find the anti-xray line, mostly at line 262 (Paper 1.17.1) (https://i.imgFew readersMinecraft | All about Gamerules Commands
Minecraft All about Gamerules Commands Gamerules Gamerules can control various aspects of the gameplay, and provide a lot of customisation for server owners. How to Edit Gamerules /gamerule <true/false (Example: "/gamerule keepInventory false") List of Gamerules announceAdvancements - true/false Whether advancements should be announced in chat. commandBlockEnabled - true/false Whether command blocks should be enabled in-game. commandBlockOutpFew readersMinecraft | How to Disable Auto-Backup (Forge Modded Server)
Minecraft How to Disable Auto-Backup (Forge Modded Server) Most of the modpacks like Valhesia 3 has an Auto-Backup feature that consumes a lot of space on your storage. Go to your https://panel.skynode.pro/ and select your server Go to your File Manager Open the config folder Open ftbbackups-common.toml Change the value of auto = true to auto = false Restart your server. If you have any other questions, you canFew readersMinecraft | How to install Datapacks
Installing datapacks Step 1: Download the datapack that you'd like to use on your server. These come in a .zip file format. Step 2: Login to your panel and select the server that you wish to install the datapack on Step 3: Click on 'File manager' in the top menu. Step 4: Go to the folder named world, then inside the world folder move into the folder named datapacks (https:Few readersMinecraft | How to Download/Backup your World Folder
Minecraft How to Download/Backup your World with SFTP If you're reading this, it means you've successfully login to SFTP. Your FileZilla should look like this. (If you're using WINSCP, it should be similar) Example of a Server Files,Few readersMinecraft | How to Change the Java Version (8, 11, 16, 17 and 18)
Minecraft How to Change the Java Version (8, 11, 16, 17 and 18) Go to your https://panel.skynode.pro/ and select the server you want to change the docker image of. On the Top Right, Select Startup. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/96b07f66ef6ab800/capturepng11Few readersMinecraft | How to use Voice Chat on Forge Server
Minecraft How to use Voice Chat on Forge Server Download the Mod called Simple Voice Chat *Use FORGE Go to your Panel and Click on Network in top menu. Click on CREATE ALLOCATION button. Example: Remember the Port that you opened in this example would be 28066 Go to your Files and Open the foldeFew readersMinecraft | Changing View Distance on Your Minecraft Server
Changing View Distance on Your Minecraft Server View Distance is a configuration option for Minecraft servers that sets the number of chunks that are visible on all directions around a player. The View Distance option is one of the many ways to reduce lag for your server so it runs more smoothly and properly for you and your players. This option can be found in the server.properties file located in the files tab of your Skynode server. Go to your Skynode panel page: https://panel.skynoFew readersMinecraft | Cannot invoke "com.google.gson.JsonArray.iterator()" because "☃" is null
Minecraft Cannot invoke "com.google.gson.JsonArray.iterator()" because "☃" is null This error might occur because of the following: 1. Invalid banned-ips.json 2. Invalid banned-players.json 3. Invalid whitelist.json You might remember the last file you edited out of this three, and most of the time, this error ocurrs when you try to remove players from this list. How to fix it? 1. Go to File manager 2. Locate one of these folders If you do know whaFew readersMinecraft | Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile server.jar
Minecraft Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile server.jar You will experience this issue if you try to manually upload a server.jar on your server files but it doesn't go well. It can be that the server.jar is corrupted in the first place or the server.jar failed uploading in the middle of the process Go to the Skynode Game Panel and click on your server Go to Change Version in top menu. You can install a neFew readersMinecraft | Java - Default Server Config Files
Minecraft Java - Default Server Config Files The following are the default config files for bukkit.yml, paper.yml, spigot.yml and server.properties. You can also generate a default config on these files by simply deleting them and restarting your server. for bukkit This is the main configuration file for Bukkit. As you can see, there's actually not that much to configure without any plugins. For a reference for any variable inside this file, check out the Bukkit Wiki atFew readersMinecraft | How to Fix Corrupted Playerdata
Minecraft How to Fix Corrupted Playerdata This will reset Inventory, Achievements and Levels of the player. How to know if a player's data is corrupted? When the player is the only one that cannot connect to the server If the server crashes every time a certain player connects to your server. If you did something like a mistake of giving players a hundred thousands or million of diamonds or any other items through command First, find the playerdata's UUID Go to *Few readersMinecraft | How to enable TNT Duplication on Java Server
Minecraft How to enable TNT Duplication on Java Server Go to your https://panel.skynode.pro/ and select your server Go to File Manager Open the folder called Config Open paper-global.yml Your directory should be like this /home/container/config/paper-global.yml Scroll till Line 117 and you'll see allowFew readersMinecraft | How to use Pre-Generate your World with Chunky
Minecraft How to use Pre-Generate your World with Chunky Map pre-generation is critical to lag removal. Do it before you even touch your server files but you can also do this even if you have an existing world Go and Install Chunky Plugin to your server Set a reasonable border distance and generate your map using the plugin commands. 1,000 Blocks Wide is typically 1GB of Storage. So, if you set your world boarder to 5,000, iFew readersMinecraft | How to install mods on your Forge server
How to install mods on your Forge server Your server must be running on a Forge version compatible with your mod. Here's a guide: How to install Forge on your server Step 1. Download a mod(s) you want from CurseForge. We recommend you using SFTP for uploading mods to your server, here's a guide: How to manage files using SFTP (https://help.skynode.pro/en/article/Few readersMinecraft | How to Save a Schematics WorldEdit
Minecraft How to Save a Schematics WorldEdit First you will have to install WorldEdit plugin on your Server. Learn How to Install Plugins Create the structure or Select the structure you want to Save as a Schematics using WorldEdit //wand to set the perimeter //copy to copy the structure It should look like this The chat should generate those message after you type //copy (https://Few readersMinecraft | How to edit your Server Properties easily
Minecraft How to edit your Server Properties Login to your panel.skynode.pro Click on your Server On the server Console, Stop your Server First. Always stop your server when doing any changes Click on Server Properties in the top menu. 5 You can now edit anything you like, we recommend notFew readersMinecraft | How to change the version/server type using the Jar Installer
How to change the version/server type of your server using the Jar Installer Go to the panel. Go to your server page. Make sure you're in the Change Version section. (Please look at the picture below before reading this step) First you'll need to select the server type (listed as 1 in the picture below), you can find all the description about the server types on the right (listed as 3 in the picture below). After you're done selecting theFew readersMinecraft | Server Optimization with Java Version
Minecraft Server Optimization with Java Version Spigot and Paper offer settings that greatly improve performance. This guide breaks down suggested values that get the most out of your server without compromising gameplay. You will have to change the values to what your server needs but these values are the best for optimization without affecting the gameplay for bukkit.yml spawn-limits Default: monsters:70, animals:10, water-animals:15, water-ambient:20, ambient:15 OptimizeFew readersMinecraft | Enable/Disable Spawn Protection
Spawn Protection. What is spawn protection? Spawn protection prevents players from building in spawn, undoing any attempts at placing or breaking blocks. Players who have any operator level are able to bypass it and build anyway. If there are no ops on the server, then spawn protection does not apply. Spawn protection only applies in the overworld. Spawn protection does not apply in singleplayer. Read more (https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Spawnprotection:~:text=Spawn%20protection%Few readersMinecraft BungeeCord | How to add MOTD
How To Add BungeeCord MOTD 1. Go to panel File Manager 2. Locate and open config.yml 3. Find motd: 4. You can now add your motd next to motd: and save. 5. Restart your server. Additional Tip: *You can also make the motd here https://mctools.org/motd-creatoFew readersMinecraft | How to Merge the Nether/End into the World Folder
Minecraft How to Merge the Nether/End into the World Folder Stop your server first from the console. Go to this link and Learn How to use SFTP (https://help.skynode.pro/en/article/panel-how-to-manage-files-using-sftp-1dn4aFew readersMinecraft | How to change your server difficulty
How to change your server difficulty 1. Go to panel Server Properties in the top menu. 2. Locate Difficulty. 3. Select the difficulty you want. 4. Go to console and Restart your server Well done! You can not go and enjoy your server.Few readersMinecraft | How to setup a free subdomain on Skynode
How to Setup a Free Subdomain on Skynode A subdomain is a connection address to your server. You can join your server using this address, and it's easier to remember than an IP address. Step 1. Go to the panel and press on your server you'd like to set the subdomain on. Step 2. Go to Overview in your server panel. Step 3. Look out for a box called "Sub-Domain". Step 4. Type in the start of the subdomFew readersMinecraft | How To Setup A BungeeCord Server
Setup A BungeeCord Server Introduction: What is BungeeCord? BungeeCord is a useful software written in-house by the team at SpigotMC. It acts as a proxy between the player's client and the connected Minecraft servers. End-users of BungeeCord see no difference between it and a normal Minecraft server. Read more Requirements: You need to have at least 2 or more spigot server and 1 proxy (BungeeCord) server in order to run a BungeFew readersMinecraft | How to setup Tebex/Buycraft
How to setup your Tebex / Buycraft Store Tebex, formerly known as Buycraft, is the primary webstore application used across thousands of servers to make money by selling various in-game perks such as donator ranks or cosmetic items. This guide will show you how to get your server set up with Tebex and start monetizing your server. Getting Started Go to the official Tebex website: https://www.tebex.io To start, go ahead and enter your email address in the box and click CREATE MY WEFew readersMinecraft | How to use Schematics WorldEdit
Minecraft How to use Schematics WorldEdit First you will have to install WorldEdit plugin on your Server. Learn How to Install Plugins Go to your Plugins Folder and Open WorldEdit Folder Open Schematics folder The Red One At first it will be blank and that's where you will upload your schemaFew readersMinecraft | How to Set Max Players on your Server
Minecraft How to Set Max Players on your Server Go to your https://panel.skynode.pro/ Click on your server and Stop your server Go to Server PropertiesFew readersMinecraft | Only up to Java 15 is Supported
Minecraft Only up to Java 15 is Supported The error looks like this Go to Startup in top menu. On the right side, Docker Image Change your Java version to Java 11 and click to save. Start server and you're good tFew readersMinecraft | Server Optimization
Intro ( Credits: Celebrimbor ) Spigot/Paper offers settings that greatly improve performance. This guide breaks down suggested values that get the most out of your server without compromising gameplay. Guide Updates Updated for the latest 1.16.4 Last Update: Jan-8-2021 Click here to go to the optimization tutorial (https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/guide-server-optimization%E2%9A%A1.283181/?cfchljschltk=e6ff61928f1ee0949fFew readersMinecraft | Vanilla/Forge - How to Reset Nether and End World
Minecraft Vanilla/Forge - How to Reset Nether and End World Why Vanilla/Forge is different? The nether and end worlds on Vanilla and Forge are integrated inside the world folder unlike Paper/Spigot that has a separate folder on the mainFew readersMinecraft | How to Make a Backup of your World on your PC/Laptop
Minecraft Minecraft How to Make a Backup of your World on your PC/Laptop Go to your https://panel.skynode.pro/ Click on your server and go to File manager at the top menu. Choose the world folder you want to make a backup with. Right click and press Archive In this iFew readersMinecraft | Fabric How to install Voice Chat
Minecraft How to use Voice Chat on Fabric/Forge Server Download the Mod called Simple Voice Chat Use FABRIC Go to your Panel and Click on Network in top menu. Click on CREATE ALLOCATION button. Example: Remember the Port that you opened in this example would be 28066 Go to your Files and Open thFew readersMinecraft | How to Turn your World to Hardcore Mode
Minecraft How to Turn your World to Hardcore Mode Go to your https://panel.skynode.pro/ Click on your server and Stop your server Go to Server Properties Locate Hardcore and set the value to true. Click Save and Restart your server.Few readersMinecraft | How To Enable Command Block
How to enable command block. 1. Go to panel server properties 2. Locate ENABLE COMMAND-BLOCK and set to true 3. Save and Restart your server. Additional Information: How to enable command block through server.properties? 1. Go to panel files 2. Locate and open server.properties 3. Find enable-command-block=false and change it to enable-command-block=true 4. Save and RestartFew readersMinecraft | How to use FabriCord (Discord for Fabric)
Minecraft How to use FabriCord (DiscordSRV for Fabric) Fabricord allows communication to and from discord. Config settings to allow roles to commands and to set your bot tokens and discord channels. Installing the FabriCord Go to https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabricord and download the version that is compatible with your server. Install it on your server and start it. Once the server started, stop it. We only need to generate the files Creating a DisFew readersMinecraft | How to Disable End World
Minecraft How to Disable End World Go to your https://panel.skynode.pro/ and click on your server Stop your server Go to File Manager in the top menu Open the file called bukkit.yml Find allow-end=true and change it to allow-end=false Usually it is on the top page (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/9Few readersMinecraft | Custom World
Custom World This article will guide you how to upload a custom or existing world to your vanilla server. No plugin needed. Before proceeding, please prepare and install the following first. Install SFTP Client Panel How to manage files using SFTP Get your world folder and prepare it for uploading. Do not ZIP it, keep it as folder. Stop your server. Uploading Custom World ConnecFew readersMinecraft | How to Disable Nether World
Minecraft How to Disable Nether World Go to your https://panel.skynode.pro/ and click on your server Stop your server Go to File Manager in the top menu. Open the file called server.properties Find allow-nether=true and change it to allow-nether=false from true to false (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/wFew readersMinecraft | How to IP Ban players on your Server
Minecraft How to IP Ban players on your Server NOTE: They will be able to join your server if they use VPN or connected to other Network. Go to panel.skynode.pro and select your server. You can execute the commands on the Console Finding the IP Address You need to have their IP Address firsFew readersMinecraft | How to Install a Skynode Pre-install Server
How to Install a Skynode Pre-install Server STEP 1: Go to your servers page on the game panel and choose the Change Version tab, after which choose the Pre-install button. STEP 2: Choose a Pre-install category on the left. STEP 3: Check the "Wipe Files (Reset server completely)" box if you are NOT updating a previous installation.Few readersMinecraft | How to Make a Dead Player Play on a Hardcore World Again
Minecraft How to Make a Dead Player Play on a Hardcore World Again Login to your panel.skynode.pro Click on your Hardcore Server Click Stop on the server console Go to File manager at the top menu. Locate and Open usercache.json file Find the Bracket of the Dead Player Example "name":"SkynodeDead"," uuid ":" 96f94aedFew readersMinecraft | How To Set World Border
How To Set World Border Information: What is world border? 1. Join your Minecraft server and make sure that you are set as operator Here's how. 2. Stand in any block that you want the world border center going to be and type /worldborder ~ ~ *3.Few readersMinecraft | How to Use Latest Snapshot Version on a Server
Minecraft How to Use Latest Snapshot Version on a Server Open your Official Minecraft Launcher Select Latest Snapshot Click on InstallationsFew readersMinecraft | How to reset your world
How to reset your world Go to the panel. Go to your server page. Make sure you're in the Overview section and press Reset World as shown below in the picture. A confirmation box will pop up, please backup your world before resetting. Press DO IT. at your own risk, knowing that all the world files will be irreversible later on.Few readersMinecraft | How To Make BungeeCord A Cracked Server
How To Make BungeeCord A Cracked Server Disabling online mode on bungeecord 1. Go to panel and File Manager 2. Locate and open config.yml 3. Find onlinemode: true and change it to onlinemode: false 4. Restart your server. Disabling online mode on spigot server Please visit this article that show how to do it. HereFew readersMinecraft | Upload Your Server Mods To Your Client
How to install mods from your server to your Minecraft client. In order to join your modded server you will have to install the mod from your server to your Minecraft Client Requirements: Please read before proceeding with the intructions below. You must have forge install in your client already Locate Your minecraft client mods folder Right click on the windows key and click on run. (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/829285668260806696/848239708697657374/unknown.Few readersMinecraft | Error: Unable to access jarfile server.jar
Minecraft Error: Unable to access jarfile server.jar Go to https://help.skynode.pro/en/ and click on your server Go to Change Version in top menu. You can install a new server jar. We recommend to use PaperSpigot as it is more optimized than Spigot and Bukkit (also, bukkit will be disabled in the future) Click YES OnceFew readersMinecraft | Transferring from a realm to Skynode
Transferring from a Realm to Skynode Java (MC) , Bedrock (MC) Step 1: Getting to Realm Configuration To see the Backup of your realm, you must go to your minecraft client (the game itself) and click “Realms” from the loading screen. From there, you must click the 🔧wrench Icon on the realm, aka Realm Configuration. *Your screen should look like this after you get to your Realm. (Or at leFew readersMinecraft | Minecraft "Valhesia 3" 1.16.5 Stuck on Loading Terrain
Minecraft Minecraft "Valhesia 3" 1.16.5 Stuck on Loading Terrain Console Go to your https://panel.skynode.pro/ and Select your server Go to your File manager and Open Config Folder Open quark-common.toml Find this line at about 340 to 350 "Automatic Recipe UFew readersMinecraft | How to Play your World from Server on Singleplayer
Minecraft How to Play your World on Singleplayer First, you need to download your world. How to Download World Once you're done downloading your World Folder Window Key + R Type %appdata% Click .minecraft Open "Saves" folder Move/Copy and Paste the "world" folder inside the "Saves" folder ''saves folder are the folders of your world in singleplayer" Then Run yoFew readersMinecraft | How to reset player data
How to reset player data Find/get the player UUID, If you do not know how, Minecraft How to get player UUID Go to panel files world folder player datafind the UUID and delete Note: You do not need to do these steps on nether and end world as those worlds are connected to the overworld player data. So, if you delete the overworld player data that means the player data on the respectiveFew readersMinecraft | How to Ban/Unban Players on your Server
Minecraft How to Ban/Unban Players on your Server Go to panel.skynode.pro and select your server. You can execute the commands on the Console Banning COMMAND ban player EXAMPLE ban jieuna Unbanning COMMAND pardon player EXAMPLE pardon jieunaFew readersMinecraft | How to Use SpongeForge on your Server
Minecraft How to Use SpongeForge on your Server You will have to Install Forge on your server. You can follow this link Installing Forge (https://help.skynode.pro/en/article/minecraft-installing-forge-jg4xda/:~:text=STEP%201%3A%20Download%20the%20forge,of%20forge%20you%20would%20like.&text=STEFew readersMinecraft | Bungeecord - How to Enable Join Default Server
How to Enable Join Default Server This article will guide you how you make your Bungeecord server where player is forced to join the default server before joining other servers connected to your Bungeecord. This is not a guide to setup Bungeecord server. To setup your Bungeecord server: Minecraft How To Setup A BungeeCord Server Stop your Bungeecord server Go to File manager open config.yFew readersMinecraft | How to Install and Use Optifine
Minecraft How to Install and Use Optifine OptiFine is a Minecraft optimization mod that allows Minecraft to run faster and look better with full support for HD textures and many configuration options. The official OptiFine description is on the Minecraft Forums Go to https://optifine.net/downloads and downFew readersMinecraft | How can Xbox Players Connect to your Bedrock Server
Minecraft How can Xbox Players Connect to your Server Configuring Xbox DNS Servers On the home dashboard, press the middle Xbox button on your controller and navigate to Settings located under Profile & system. Navigate to Network settings Advanced Settings. Locate the DNS Settings option and select Manual. Set the value of Primary IPv4 DNS to Set the value of the Secondary IPv4 DNS to your desired second DNS. For this example, we will beFew readersMinecraft | How to upload a custom world (With Plugin)
How to upload a custom world STEP 1: Download the world you want and save it somewhere accessible. STEP 2: Make sure the world is in a ZIP archive. This can be done by using a program such as WinRar or 7zip. You will need to compress the folder or it will not work. If youPopularMinecraft | Diagnosing Issues
Diagnosing Issues Today we will be learning how to diagnose issues with your server. This is meant for Spigot/Bukkit servers so please do not use this guide for modded servers, there will be a separate guide for that. This guide will specifically cover: Plugin Issues Server Lagging Server Crashing Server Lagging To begin with, we will start with your server lagging. Spigot is very good with diagnosing lag issues as there is a built-in thing known as timings. This will show you exaPopularMinecraft | Installing Forge
Installing Forge STEP 1: Download the forge Installer for the version of forge you would like. STEP 2: Create a folder called "Server" on your desktop. STEP 3: Run the installer you downloaded and select "Install Server". Press the 3 dots at the bottom of the installer and fPopularMinecraft | Setting up a domain
Setting up a domain (https://www.minecraft-rewPopularMinecraft | How to install a modpack
Installing a modpack Step 1: First of all you need to download the server pack from any given mod client like Twitch, FTB, Tekkit or Curse. Step 2: Once you have the server pack downloaded from the given client locate the file. If you have a start.bat or inPopularMinecraft | How to set your server icon
How to set your server icon Step 1: First of all you'll need an image the size of 64x64 pixels. This will be the image that shows before your server in the server list.PopularMinecraft | Setting a custom resource pack
Setting a custom resource pack Step 1: Find the resource pack you would like to download for users on your server. Step 2: When you are on a resource pack site find the button that activates the download, right click it and select "Copy Link Address". Step 3: Login to your panel and select the server you want your resource pack to be installed for. Step 4: Go to 'File Management' in the sidebar, and open the file named 'server.properties' Step 5: Find the line that saySome readersMinecraft | How to use server whitelists
Video explaining how to use server whitelists as well as the plugin AuthMe for offline servers.Some readersMinecraft | Installing a Magma jar file
Installing a Magma jar file Step 1: head to https://github.com/magmafoundation/Magma/releases to download the latest server.jar released jar file(save it as "server.jar").Few readersMinecraft | How to use RCON (Remote Console)
Video explaining how you can use RCON to allow you to setup a remote connection to your console.Few readersMinecraft | Setting a server MOTD
Video explaining how you can setup your server MOTD. This stands for Message of the Day, and is the text shown under the name on the multiplayer page.Few readers